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Durer Albrecht: Durer's Drawings for the Prayer-book of Emperor Maximilian I: 53 Plates

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 112) Аннотация: Holy Roman Emperor and King of the Germans Maximilian I was Albrecht Durer's main patron from 1512 onward. These 45 pages of marginal drawings for the ruler's prayer book, unknown till their 1808 facsimile publication, reveal the artist's lighthearted and witty side. Includes 8 additional drawings by other artists and a new Introduction.

Durer Albrecht: The Complete Woodcuts

Скачать книгу (размер 1 447 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 285) Аннотация: Old Testament, St. Jerome, Passion, Life of Virgin, Apocalypse, 346 in all. Introduction by Campbell Dodgson. It was in woodcut design that the creative genius of Durer reached its highest expression... the only available source for many of these works.

Durer Albrecht: The Drawings

Скачать книгу (размер 876 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 173) Аннотация: Eighty-one plates show development from youth to full style. Many favorites, many new. Introduction by Alfred Werner. Includes Self-Portrait at the Age of Thirteen, Female Nude (with Headcloth and Slippers), Orpheus Slain by Bacchantes, with Boy Running Away, The fascination of the drawings is inexhaustible; the skill incredible; the upshot — delight.