E.T.A.Hoffmann: Der Nussknacker (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 320 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 64) Аннотация: Nürnberg, XIX. Jahrhundert. An Heiligabend bringt Onkel Drosselmeyer allen Geschenke. Clara bekommt ein ganz besonderes, einen Nussknacker. Während der Nacht werden die Spielsachen lebendig, und Clara entdeckt, dass der Nussknacker viel mehr ist als nur ein Spielzeug. Es fehlt nicht an Überraschungen…

Assini Regina: La ricetta segreta (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 401 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 80) Аннотация: Enrico torna nella sua casa tra le montagne del Trentino Alto Adige. Non vede l’ora di incontrare il suo vecchio amico, il signor Barbarano, un chimico in pensione. Ma il suo amico è sparito, ed Enrico scopre che è stato rapito. Ma da chi e perché? Con l’aiuto di Camilla comincia a indagare. Un racconto pieno di suspense e di colpi di scena: un autentico giallo con un pizzico di……

Traverso P.: La Chanson du hibou

Скачать книгу (размер 157 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 32) Аннотация: Tous les matins, les petits oiseaux réveillent les animaux de la forêt. Un jour, un énorme hibou arrive. Il veut chanter et voler avec les petits oiseaux, mais les petits oiseaux ne veulent pas parce qu’il trouve qu’il est horrible et qu’il chante mal. Cependant, lorsque la nuit arrive et que le bois devient sombre et silencieux, le hibou commence à chanter sa magnifique…

Droste-Hulshoff Annette Von: Eine Geschichte Aus Westfalen (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 112) Аннотация: Das mit den beiden nicht alles in Ordnung war, hatte man sich schon gedacht. Aber als der junge Friedrich und sein Freund Johannes eines Nachts plötzlich fort gehen, denken alle, Friedrich habe den Juden Aaron ermordet, der tot im Wald gefunden wird. Zwanzig Jahre später kommt ein alt gewordener und kranker Mann ins Dorf und sagt, er sei Johannes. Weiß er etwas? Wer hat Aaron…

Bowen Philippa: Cultural Links: An Exploration of the English-Speaking World: Student's Book

Скачать книгу (размер 850 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 168) Аннотация: Cultural Links explores and discovers the English-Speaking world and offers links through the British Isles across North America, India, Australia, New Zealand and more. 7 Files to discover the English-speaking world. Cultural Links consists of 7 topics (files), dealing with the differences and similarities of the countries which are part of the English-speaking World. Language: how much has the…

Boutegege Regine: A Vrai Dire A1/A2 (+ CD-ROM)

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: Méthode de langue et de civilisation destinée aux débutants et faux-débutants et dont le principe est de proposer des documents déclencheurs suivis d'activités de compréhension puis une phase de réflexion sur les actes de parole et sur des points grammaticaux. On y trouve également une rubrique consacrée au vocabulaire et une section portant sur…

A Vrai Dire A2/B1 (+ CD-ROM)

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: A` vrai dire... est une me'thode de langue et de civilisation franc, aises destine'e aux de'butants et faux de'butants. Elle permet d’atteindre un niveau B1+ a` la fin du troisie`me volume. Chaque volume est organise' en 4 e'tapes de 2 unite's chacune, auxquelles s’ajoute une unite' 0. Chaque e'tape propose: — des documents de'clencheurs (dialogues enregistre's et documents e'crits) suivis…

Hobart R.: Mowgli apprend a nager

Скачать книгу (размер 157 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 32) Аннотация: Un jour, Mowgli se retrouve face au tigre Shere Khan. Il veut s’échapper par la rivière, mais il se rend compte qu’il ne sait pas nager. Il décide alors d’apprendre. Grâce à l’aide de tous ses amis, Mowgli trouve que nager, ce n’est finalement pas si difficile que ça!

Shakespeare William: The Taming of the Shrew (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 112) Аннотация: Lovely Bianca has a queue of admirers anxious to marry her. But her older sister, Katharina, must get married first. Katharina has such a fiery temper she is known as 'the shrew', and no man is brave enough to propose. Can Petruchio tame her with his outrageous behaviour? With Notes on Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre and Love and Marriage in The Taming of the Shrew.

Palazon Cristina M. Alegre: De Viaje por el mundo hispano (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 845 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 167) Аннотация: De viaje por el mundo hispano ilustra varios argumentos de cultura, geografia, arte, historia y asuntos sociales sobre Espana y Centro-Sudamérica. El volumen esta dividido en seis unidades tematicas: Geografia; Ciudades y Paises; Historia; Identidad y Economia; Cultura y Arte; Sociedad Hoy. Cada unidad garantiza una comparacion critica y fomenta una reflexion activa sobre afinidades y…

Collective: Owl's Song (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 157 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 32) Аннотация: Every early morning the little birds in the wood fly everywhere to wake their animal friends up. One day a big brown owl comes. He wants to join the little birds but they do not want him, because they say he is too big and ugly and he can't sing. The poor owl hides inside an old black tree. But the night comes again and... fairies arrive. It's time for the owl to sing his song. He sings…

Planas Carmelo Valero: Lazarillo de Tormes (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 401 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 80) Аннотация: «Lázaro, a true anti-hero figure, recounts his life with irony and humor. Through jokes and mistreatment of his owners and a hostile and cruel society, the naive and innocent child becomes the «PICARO» par excellence, a guy who has to defend himself in life, to survive while trying to climb the social ladder.»

Miguel de Cervantes: Novelas ejemplares (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 483 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 96) Аннотация: In Rincon y Cortadillo two young rogues each make a living playing cards and stealing. After they meet they decide to ‘work’ together, while both dreaming a rich life in Seville. The two boys from Burgos in La ilustre Fregona Burgos leave to go adventure at an inn, on their way they meet a beautiful girl, Constance...

Alphonse Daudet: Lettres de mon moulin (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 320 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 64) Аннотация: This is a collection of simple stories humorously describing the lives of some characters in the South of France. Discover the courage and tenacity of the goat of Monsieur Sequin's secret maître Cornille and find out why it's better not to offend the Pope Boniface's mule...

Louis Stevenson Robert: The Treasure of Franchard (+ CD-ROM)

Скачать книгу (размер 401 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 80) Аннотация: Jean-Marie is an orphan who is happily adopted by Doctor Desprez and his wife Anastasie. When the doctor finds the precious Treasure of Franchard he plans to take his family away from their lovely, old country home go to Paris and live a rich life. Jean-Marie does not want to go to Paris and during the night the treasure mysteriously disappears…

Gellenbeck Christian: Untersuchungen in Travemunde (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 483 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 96) Аннотация: Travemünde Ostsee, ein ruhiger Erholungsort in Schleswig-Holstein. Im offenen Meer finden eine Unterwasserausgrabung aus einem Schiffswrack und der Diebstahl von einem Koffer vom XV. Jahrhundert statt. Ein Historiker, ein Archäologe und ein Taucher sind unten den Verdächtigen. Das belebt die Ferien von Sophie, Holger und Lukas, die sich auf die Untersuchung stürzen.

Cultural Links: An Exploration of the English-Speaking World: Teacher's Book (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: Cultural Links explores and discovers the English-Speaking World and offers links through the British Isles across North America, India, Australia, New Zealand and more. 7 Files to discover the English-speaking World. Cultural Links consists of 7 topics (files), dealing with the differences and similarities of the countries which are part of the English-speaking World. Language: how much has the…

Total Pet: Teacher's Book (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 483 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 96) Аннотация: TOTAL PET is a new course for the Cambridge ESOL PET B1 Threshold of the CEFR. TOTAL PET can be used alongside a general language course or on its own for intensive exam preparation with up to 50 hours material. TOTAL PET covers the word list of vocabulary that could appear in the PET exam. It encourages students to practise lexis appropriate to their personal requirements, e.g. nationality,…

Shakespeare William: The Lost Treasure of Bodega Bay (+ CD-ROM)

Скачать книгу (размер 401 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 80) Аннотация: Kate, Mike and Carlos go on another trip to Bodega Bay near San Francisco, where more than a year ago they found a pirate's old treasure map. An incredibly exciting and dangerous adventure awaits them as they follow a mysterious clue and go on a treasure hunt to find a lost treasure from centuries ago. The GREEN APPLE series is composed of illustrated graded readers. The readers are graded into…